TEENAGE ISSUES -- Peace That Surpasses [2]

I told my pastor I was losing faith concerning my admission and he laughed and said he would remind me of what I said when I graduated. That year I made a vow to do a particular thing if I gained admission.

UTME came again and as I was still wondering if it was still the same O'level result I was going to use, they announced that Post-Utme will commence again. So using that nonsense NECO result, I gained admission into the University of Lagos. UNILAG was the same school I kept choosing over and over, to the point that people asked if that was the only school available in Nigeria. At that point I thought okay, now that things were going well, my struggle was over.”

You know how often they say with success comes greater responsibility? Yeah, they say with great power, blah blah. You should know that stepping stones to success are usually a call to greater responsibility which is one of the many reasons why you shouldn’t relax and forget all about God who helped you to a certain stage. Why? Because there is always more to be done.

“I was wrong. Stress doubled. My Dad started again. It was worse. So much worse. But I finally had help through a friend of mine. I was so close to killing myself. I don't know why, I just came online and he chatted me up and we kept talking until everything came out. Next I opened up myself to my sister. And somehow I found myself in DT.

I still have a problem of not feeling like I belong especially when I've been out of touch with a particular group for a while which is kind of evident by my silence on the group but when I take time to read through the messages, I find something that speaks to me.”

God is always ready to help us out at all stops in our life. And that it is why it is good that as young believers, we shouldn’t hope to live in isolation from other believers. A problem, half shared is half solved. However, when shared with a fellow believer, it is solved. Why? You ask? Because he/she doesn’t give you advice from his head knowledge and experiences alone, he also speaks the mind of God for you at that time and season. “the Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary…” (Isa 50:4 KJV). Oh what sweet company it is we find among fellow believers!

“And now, today, even though there are days I feel like the end is here, I distance myself. Somewhere at the back of my mind, I know that have a purpose. I have people who care about me. I have a God who cares about me.

And then CAC Youth fellowship where I met impeccable females where I got inspired seeing youths like me working for God. I aspired to be like them.”

Gradually, the story has changed and Jane is assured and confident of her person in Christ Jesus. Day after day, new developments confirm the ever present hand of God in her dealings. Like they say, Peace is not always the absence of fear but being able to handle it.

“I won't lie, there are days when I feel really down and start pondering if God is actually still there but later on, I get the confirmation that He is.

 Especially with the new development concerning my Dad? God is definitely there. Even though it took long? He's working and still working on my Dad. Imagine someone telling me that my Dad would attend Sunday service or a week vigil or even normal vigil then? I would have laughed.

“To everyone who feels or have felt like I did, you're not alone. I believe in you. You'll overcome. Just keep fighting, keep believing. God is there. He's always there. He never left. You just need to find tour way back. He's waiting and his arms are wide open.”

Jane found peace with God and by confiding in her Christian friends and has a message of love for every teenager going through the same today. Remember how we began by listing the teenage years as a rough one? While acknowledging that fact, we must also always bear in mind that with God, we can always find the strength to carry through. His grace is not just enough, it is more than enough!

Click here to read part 1》 https://distinguishedteenagers.blogspot.com/2020/03/teenage-issues-peace-that-surpasses1.html


Compiled by Ogunleye Abiola


  1. I'm so happy Jane finally found peace in Jesus😭😭❤️❤️❤️

  2. Replies
    1. Glory to the King of kings!
      Thanks for reading man of God♥

  3. Glory to God. I'm like this too. I tend to distance myself an soften feel out of touch with everything

  4. But even when we feel out of touch with things around us, our heavenly father is even right there, seeking for our attention and comforting us in all of it.


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