Waow!!! So sad and painful to hear this. Still standing at the feet of regret having no knowledge of tomorrow. All this as a result of the mistakes of the past, and your stubborn heart beloved with the negligence to simple instructions you ought to have carried out . Indeed the burden is so heavy and has eaten deep into your heart, and soul leaving nothing for you to rely on. Is it really you who has been defined by the mouth of many as nothing yet left in the Jaws of the ones who you think you trust the most? I doubt if it was you I saw then when your own family said it to your face that you were never made for the top. Aouchhhh it really is painful. Still He came into the very world he created, but the world didn’t recognize him. He knows those feelings. If it's the issue as regards admission, worry no more and genuinely take it to God in prayer. 

Laugh out loud and journey with me for there is someone who sees the uniqueness buried in you crying out to see the light. He was not joking when He said that you come. For He is willing to lift those burdens and care which has caused so much damage in exchange just to give you Love. Rise up from the sands of depression and let the fruitfulness of his will be revealed.  Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.

The set time is come to shed off those scales of the past and rise beyond the limits of the defined. He waits willing to listen to the voice of your heart. Speak to Him and wait and see that He is good.

Written by Ola
# Inspirational
# Distinguished Teenagers 


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