What Pillar?

The race had started. The fastest and he whose strength was far beyond any had been praised by the eyes of them as the winner. They had already concluded. There was one whose single step will cover metres. What could be done? Still the little one amongst them gathered much strength in another who decides the affairs of men. At the sound of gun they started. With their limbs they were as swift as leopards. The little one amongst them still gathered strength,  with the hope to get to the finish line. Still running. At least he played his own part having done all he could. In training, exercises, breathing and all you could ever think of.

What do you actually expect from this little one, amongst many champions who had already mastered the act of athletics ? Still running. Almost getting to the finishing line, and you know something happened. The presumed winners started losing their breath.

 Some had cramps, heart issues while others missed their lanes. What could have happened? Still running. Holding on to his lane the little one kept on running and at the end got to the finishing line. To his surprise he got there first.

Speaking of life and the different happenings,  one will actually be surprised. Where intellect, strength, might, wealth, connections, affluence, drugs, technology and whatever you might have thought of have failed. What stands?

Psalms 127:1

Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

In what have we put our confidence? Well, we have played our part, why then can’t we let God play His own part? Have we not wondered why all methods and ways seem not to work because we have actually built up pillars to rest on?

Ecclesiastes 9:11

I returned and saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, neither is bread to the wise nor riches to men of intelligence and understanding nor favor to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all.

Man has always failed in promises and all. It is high time we learnt from our mistakes and start trusting God with our lives. In examinations, business, decisions and all that matters.

Written by:Ola



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