Forgetting the God of yesterday

Still moving and some staying 
They all had a past. 
Walking through the path of life. 
At a point in time 
They were all in slavery
And with their hearts and cry 
they desired freedom.
He heard their call and sent deliverance
A reward He gave, 
the golds and wealth of the land they had toiled.

The journey continues
Still moving
At the sense of hunger they had forgotten. 
If He did it before, He will do it again
For they had desired to eat by the fleshpots 
eating the bread of sorrow.
They had settled for something worse than less.
He had them in mind for He loved them with an everlasting love.

Still moving
They muttered, forgetting the God of yesterday. 
He still remains and forever will be. 
Giving indistinct sounds and speech.
He heard them even in their murmuring.
How much more if they had touched His heart with appreciation 
Greater would He have released. 
He said that we should ask and not to grumble.
Asking in thanksgiving, with joy and appreciation.
He will perform. 


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