Cries To God

This poem is to you Lord,
I don't know if you're with me in this stark dark
All I see in this dark, is still dark
The smell of this place throttle my soul
One day in, two months out.
Lord, you know all things right? You see my heart right?

It will be pointless and stupid to pretend
When you see all, so I'll just say this.
And honestly, I'd be glad to hear your response.
Because these days, you've gently worn silence.
See Lord, I know I need to be there, just enjoying your presence.
Even in the silence of us, just your presence is enough.
Each time I try harder, I fail harder to stay unswervingly consistent.

 I don't know if I want you as I need you.
Morning devotion turned Instagram exploration
My Afternoon meditation would have been sweet, but the Nollywoods got my attention.
Midnight intercession is no more a thing, since it is time for midnight subscriptions.

I know you are listening Father.
So you can help me heal, and break out of this box.
This box is stark dark, I wish I could grow out of this box.
But it's sealed with noises from the environment
Pressures from friends and acquaintances.
So help me break out!

Help me off the gram, and jam myself in your presence.
The bird app should not interest me more than your intimacy.
I don't want to place anyone before you. Not any more.
Only you matter, and nothing else.
I tried on my own, but help me break out.
As I hit this box of spiritual discrepancy I'm in, your strength envelopes my fists.
I'm breaking out.

Victor O'Loore


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