

Who could have imagined that fruits could speak? If the donkey which Balaam rode on could speak, should a fruit not speak also? No cause for alarm, I meant that in literal terms.

While holding pawpaw in my hands, a message was passed across. Indeed, the Holy Spirit helps with inspirations which gives understanding.

What do you do mostly after eating fruits? Probably, if there are remnants from them like their peels and seeds, you throw them away. Maybe, you admire it’s taste, shape and all. Seldom will you think about planting it back? No worries, what’s your business with the soil?

Was there any time you noticed the seeds in them? Maybe they are not obvious or their edible parts must have covered them. Although not all seeds come with forms where they are buried within the edible parts, we still can learn from them.

Fruits come into being because at a point in time their seeds were sometimes buried or sown consciously or unconsciously. Neglecting the seeds because they don’t seem important will go a long way to affect the production of more fruits. 

Most times, we all long for results and the evidence of excellence when in one way or the other we have despised their sources. We sometimes long for results without considering the processes involved. Maybe at a point in time or even now, you desire what is given than who gives. I doubt if wisdom wouldn’t be disappointed at that.

Every fruit tree has a life span. For a while, it may flourish, but before it ends it must have multiplied while it still could. If by chance at that period everyone refuses to plant its seeds, one day, there will be no fruit again. While you still can, make hay while the sun shines. Will opportunities last that long? Will your youth be for eternity? 

…when you will say you have no pleasure in them.

The fruits say, do not be selfish, you need to multiply. Does it not say "after eating me up what have you left to offer to others?" In one way or the other, certain benefits must have been enjoyed by you. What are you also leaving to be enjoyed by you? We are not parasites and so we need not live like one. 

Remember :

Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.



  1. A time for everything!

    Thank you for this, Ola

  2. Wow, I love the content,
    Fruits speak
    And the Bible says By their fruit you shall know them
    Thank you


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