
 The human nature is in way wired to test something if it's working perfectly before laying hands on it for further work. No wonder the Bible also says:, except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe. John 4:48. But as children of God, we no longer have this nature in us(the fleshy, human and carnal nature). As soon as we accept Christ, we now have the nature of Christ in us. Why? Because the spirit of the Lord lives in us, therefore we have the mind of Christ.

❗ No wonder, Thomas, a disciple of Jesus; one of those that was very close to Jesus while he was here on earth still doubted Christ when he resurrected. (John 20:24-28, Matthew 28:17).

❗ Matthew 14:31. Peter also doubted, he saw Jesus walking on water, but he still had that feeling of unbelieve to see such strange thing Jesus did.

❗ Doubting God is something that as believers we must never allow because it hinders alot of places that we should have normally accessed. We can say its normal to doubt as humans but we must also conquer this spirit or let's say "way of life"

❗ Many people have been hindered many breakthrough because of this seed of doubt. Until we can learn to trust God enough to obey all of his leading in a child like manner, we will be stucked in this way of life.

❗ The presence of the Holy Spirit in us makes a big difference. John 14:16. Without the Holy Spirit in you, you will still doubt God. Why? Because you will be yielding to your human nature.

❗ Don't give the devil room by allowing doubt take over your mind. Disallow your fleshy desires, don't allow the devil use them against you especially when you are hearing from  God. Deal with the devil by speaking boldly against all his assertations. Disallow his move in your life. 

❗ Sometimes, when we pray and it gets to the point of hearing God and prolly God gives an assignment, men still doubt and say it is their mind speaking (How funny!). Why not write that thing you heard; don't forget you have the mind of Christ as his child, so anything you heard came from God's mind and from his throne. 1 Corinthians 2:16

❗ Jeremiah had this form of doubt in him claiming he was a child but in Jeremiah 1:1-16, God told him, don't think you are a child, don't be afraid,...God also gave him his promises. Then, believing in God and himself caused him to see great things from God , through that, God assured him that he was going to perform all he saw.( You have to be ready for this move of God's word in you to access more of him).

❗ Follow that leading, follow that burden, follow that nudge, obey him. If you keep saying it's your mind speaking and you keep disobeying, God will stop speaking, so be careful.

❗ The word of God keeps you in touch with him always. He gave us that word for a purpose: to lead us in all we do, it remains our guide, so it will be unwise if we do what is contrary to that word. In his words, he says: neither be ye of doubtful mind. Luke 12:29

❗ To do exploits in this kingdom, you can't allow doubt. Mark11:23

❗ Before you can believe all he says, then you must have a relationship with God, inface a tight one; through prayers, speak to him always and hear him speak, don't rush out of his presence. By this, you will be so sure of how he speaks to you, you will understand all he his saying even in his silence. Desire that relationship.
Trust God enough, obey ALL of his leading. His ways are so sure. It is wrong to doubt God.

As inspired by the Holy Spirit... 


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