Why worry?
I found myself ranting at my mum the other day because I had an issue I wanted to solve with her at that moment. I needed clarity on this issue which made me go to her with such aggression. After shouting for some minutes, she told me to leave her presence in that instance. I was too sure I was right on this, but I lacked the right approach. So, I took the issue to the Holy Spirit. He told me to take a pause then go back to talk to her after some minutes. He also gave me a clue on how to approach her. Not too long, my mum called me on a different matter. I was able to raise the issue, and we solved it so well. Many times, we, as children of God pull up this same attitude to God. Truly, we may be going through a lot at some point when it then comes to talking with God. Our way and manner of approach to Him may be the hindrance to getting our answers immediately. Sometimes, we think we are talking to God, but what we do, is worry and rant. This makes God's attentio...