The human nature is in way wired to test something if it's working perfectly before laying hands on it for further work. No wonder the Bible also says:, except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe. John 4:48. But as children of God, we no longer have this nature in us(the fleshy, human and carnal nature). As soon as we accept Christ, we now have the nature of Christ in us. Why? Because the spirit of the Lord lives in us, therefore we have the mind of Christ. ❗ No wonder, Thomas, a disciple of Jesus; one of those that was very close to Jesus while he was here on earth still doubted Christ when he resurrected. (John 20:24-28, Matthew 28:17). ❗ Matthew 14:31. Peter also doubted, he saw Jesus walking on water, but he still had that feeling of unbelieve to see such strange thing Jesus did. ❗ Doubting God is something that as believers we must never allow because it hinders alot of places that we should have normally accessed. We can say its normal to doubt as human...